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VBA’s organisational puzzle


To create more insight and mutual understanding in terms of 'our place in the VBA chain', we recently put together a major 'organisational puzzle'. This led to some insightful, interesting conversations.

Our organisation is continuing to grow, which is why we have paid extra attention to 'the right place within the business process'. Today, VBA has 26 departments. Compared to five years ago, the number has grown by enormously – which of course creates many more challenges! 


A number of questions arose during this project: "Which department that comes before ours in the chain ensures we can continue to do our work the right way? And... which department do we need after we have completed our work?" Or: Who passes me the baton and to whom do I pass it?

After we worked this out, our colleagues answered the following question: “What role do you play – as a department – in the business process and where are you in the 'VBA puzzle'?”


This was an instructive moment (of awareness) that enabled us to combine our strengths as an organisation and gain more insight into our own company structure.


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NEW! Brochure: emergency service vehicles

You've seen and heard it from a distance: emergency service vehicles rushing to an acute emergency with lights flashing and sirens blaring.

Martijn 12,5 years at VB-Airsuspension

1 May 2024 marked twelve and a half years since our colleague Martijn te Winkel joined the company!

VB-Airsuspension is on your side: including in an emergency

Vehicles such as ambulances, police and fire service vehicles – also known as emergency service vehicles – regularly travel fully laden and are kitted out with high-tech, heavy equipment that is essential for providing professional emergency assistance.