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Updated overview of our
VB-Partner network: find the contact details you need in a flash


As an end user, you can always be sure of finding a VB-Partner nearby, even if you're on your travels. Just enter your location to find all the relevant contact details for the closest VB-Partner to you. Want to know how this works? Go to our updated VB-Partner page for more.

Interested in one of our innovative (air) suspension systems?
Would you benefit from (some of) the useful features provided by our systems or are you having problems with poor handling? An (air) suspension system could well be the solution! Want to know more about our products, get a quotation, make an appointment for fitting, maintenance and/or repair? We'd be delighted to put you in touch with one of our VB-Partners.

With our head office in the Netherlands and subsidiaries in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Russia, America, India and Turkey, you can find us wherever you are in the world. Together with our subsidiaries and partners, we are represented in more than 60 countries, have over 325 installation partners and 975+ qualified specialists.

Found a VB-Partner in your locality using our VB-Partner page? Please fill in the contact form to get further advice and assistance on our products. We ask that you use our Product Finder when completing the contact form. What's this for, you might wondering? This handy tool lets you select your vehicle, your specific requirements and/or relevant problems for this vehicle. Our Product Finder will generate a recommendation taking into account the available (air) suspension systems for your vehicle. The details you entered and the Product Finder results will be sent along with your contact request, so that our VB-Partner can tailor their advice to your needs. This makes it much easier for both you and our VB-Partners to find the appropriate solution!

Want to read more?

VB-Airsuspension is on your side: including in an emergency

Vehicles such as ambulances, police and fire service vehicles – also known as emergency service vehicles – regularly travel fully laden and are kitted out with high-tech, heavy equipment that is essential for providing professional emergency assistance.

VBA has held its very first intern day!

Our HR department organised its first intern day on Wednesday March 27, 2024. On this day, our interns were introduced to the entire organisation, their colleagues, our expertise, our products – and of course each other!

The fastest way to the solution

Whether you're on your travels with a vehicle fitted with our air suspension or you regularly fit vehicles with our (air) suspension systems, you can sometimes end up with a situation that needs resolving there and then.